If the author switched to another institution after the work was done
\thanks{Author was with IBM Research when this work was done}
\thanks{Author was an intern at IBM Research at the time of this work}
, †
, ‡
, §
, ¶
, ‖
, **
, ††
, ‡‡
\\def\\@fnsymbol#1{\\ensuremath{\\ifcase#1\\or *\\or \\dagger\\or \\ddagger\\or
\\mathsection\\or \\mathparagraph\\or \\|\\or **\\or \\dagger\\dagger
\\or \\ddagger\\ddagger \\else\\@ctrerr\\fi}}
Example from
We thank Darko Marinov, Chenyang Yang, and Matthew Sotoudeh for their valuable discussions and suggestions. We also appreciate the insightful comments from the anonymous reviewers. This work was partially supported by National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. CCF-2131943 and CCF-2141474, as well as Ant Group